9 strategies to increase clicks on your website (when impressions are high, and clicks are low)

by | Jun 13, 2023 | Business Development, SEO Marketing, Small Business Resources

I know you’re working hard every day to grow your business and attract new visitors to your website, and the most frustrating thing to see is that you’re using the right keywords because 1,000’s of people are seeing your webpages in the search results but only a few are clicking through to view it… which is so frustrating! 

You want those lovely leads, sales, and revenue that your data is showing you but how exactly do you encourage people to click? So you can help them solve whats annoying them.

If you’re struggling with low clicks but know people are searching for your content, here are 9 strategies to increase clicks on your website (when impressions are high, and clicks are low):

Optimize your title tags and meta descriptions

This is usually the most underrated and usually neglected part of peoples SEO strategy. Having engaging copy in the meta descriptions and title tags. I want you to search for your blog post and see what the search results show as the blog title and the description underneath. 

Does it make you want to click? Are there other search results around that are more enticing? Think about how you can find the most interesting result on the search results page. 

Use clear and concise headlines

You’ll notice throughout this blog post, I have clear headings throughout the blog post so you can skim to the content you want to read or have a good overview of the blog post before committing to reading it all. We’re people with limited time, if you’re not providing value, I’m not reading. And this is exactly what your audience will do too. Make it worth their while.

An image of someone typing on a apple macbook. The person wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, and their legs are crossed. Published blog post "How to know if your SEO Strategy is attracting new visitors to your website (and what to do if it’s not)", read the full post now.

Add images and videos

Just like adding headings, if your audience were to skim your blog post would it encourage them to read or is it a giant, overwhelming chuck of text?

Adding images and videos can make your post more interesting, breakdown large topics and add space between thoughts so you give them a chance to digest the information you’re sharing. 

Please make sure your images and videos are small in bites, high in quality and relevant to the content. These images will be searchable and another way people can click and view our blog post so make them interesting and don’t forget to at SEO to them. Not sure how? This post will help.

Add dot points, lists or instructions to your post

If you didn’t know google can pull your dot points, lists or instructions from your blog posts and show them in search results. This is called Schema and it is a fabulous way to create your business as the authority or expert in your industry. This will bring people to your blog post without even seeing your blog in search results. They’ll come via the list that google populated at the top of results page. – win!

Improve your website’s speed

Nothing’s worse than going to find information on a specific topic, only to click on the article and wait for what feels like years and watch your browser spiral (and potentially yourself if you’re in a hurry). 

A slow website makes people want to click back and find a faster solution to their problem.Think about how you can make your website faster. Have you downloaded too many apps or plugins to your website? Yes this includes pop-ups, reviews, instagram feeds and other connected website features. 

What about your images? Are they optimised, and smaller than 250kb? Or smaller than 1300px in width? 

An image of someone typing on a apple macbook. The person wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, and their legs are crossed. Published blog post "How to know if your SEO Strategy is attracting new visitors to your website (and what to do if it’s not)", read the full post now.

Make your website mobile-friendly

If you’ve got Google analytics set up, go and view which devices your audience view your website on. You’ll notice half, if not more view your website via their mobile device.

I, for example, have my phone with me all the time, so if I have a thought about what i need whether for business or personal, look it up then and there. Same when I’m on a walk and see something I like and want to learn more about it. This could be while listening to a podcast and it mentions a business professional, a product or service that would help my business or even walking past a shop or seeing a brand I want to learn more about.

A website that allows your audience to easily find your information and for your audience to easily find their way around your website with ease – this will definitely increase clicks. The easier you make it, the easier your audience can find what they need faster and with little frustration.

Write high-quality and relevant content

If the blog post title and the content within don’t match up, or live up to the promise then you my friend are spamming people in the search results. 

Make sure what you are providing makes people want to talk about your post, share it with other people and stay on their for longer than a minute. 

All of this shows google that your website provides value and increases your position on the search results page and hopefully across the eyes of other interested people in your audience and encourages them to click through.


Experiment with different types of content

Continuing from the above point, experiment with different types of content. Create an infographic, start a podcast, or share your unique perspective on your industry speciality in a free or paid webinar. 

Use your preferred platform to share your content, and increase click throughs, trust and time on the page. This is what Google will be looking for to boost in search results so start creating!!

An image of someone typing on a apple macbook. The person wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, and their legs are crossed. Published blog post "How to know if your SEO Strategy is attracting new visitors to your website (and what to do if it’s not)", read the full post now.

Conduct A/B testing

This is my favorite. Nothing can give you more data and allow you to understand your audience better than doing a little A/B Testing. If you’re unfamiliar with the term A/B testing, then let me explain. 

It’s when you test 2 versions of your website (or a specific page) on your audience to see which they prefer and interact with more. You can do this on your website to see if they like specific elements, CTA’s or if theres a topic they enjoy learning about.

A more visual way to review your audience behaviour is by using heatmaps, this is a great way to visually A/B test and know the specifics about what makes them engage with your webpage.

In conclusion

After this post I hope you’re feeling confident in knowing how to increase clicks on your website and turn those pesky high impressions (i.e. window shoppers) into clicking customers who will buy and join your gorgeous online community. 

If this seems like a big task and you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, do what I do. Schedule in each action items for Friday mornings (or the day you tend to do your online marketing). This way each week you can check a new item off your list without having to compromise your already smoothly running operation. 

Check your analytics after making each update and continue to optimize your website for maximum clicks. And if like me you do it on the same day each week, you’ll be able to identify exactly what moved the needle for your business – so you know that this will work for your other pages too!

I hope you enjoyed learning 9 strategies to increase clicks to your website, especially when impressions are high and clicks are low, so you’re able to be found by more of your audience, and they can benefit from your incredible knowledge! 

If you need help designing a beautiful website for your business, I have a customised service called A Brand Worth Sharing that will help your business grow online.

If you liked what you read here, please share this with others who may enjoy it. You can also find me on social media via @nataliefaithwebdesigns on Instagram, Facebook and most other social media platforms. I share more helpful tips to help your  business grow online. Like this one on website design.

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About Natalie Faith Web Designs

Hi, I’m Natalie.

I want your business to succeed online, so I’ve created services & resources to support your business, and give you the confidence to share your amazing products and services online.


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